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Conditions of Use

Website Terms & Conditions for 4Kyon

This Website is operated by 4Kyon, De Horst 36, 8061BP, Hasselt, THE NETHERLANDS.

Your access to and use of the website is subject to these terms, the 4Kyon Privacy Statement and any other terms contained on the Website (“Terms of Use”).
Every time you go to the Website, you agree to access and use the website, and the material on the website, in accordance with the Terms of Use. The Terms of Use are a legally binding agreement between you and us.

1 Changes to the Terms of Use
1.1 From time to time, we may need to change these Terms of Use to reflect our changing business. We may change the Terms of Use at any time by posting the changed Terms on this page. 
1.2 Any change in the Terms of Use will not affect the terms of any pre-existing agreement between you and us regarding your acquisition of any products or services from the Website.
1.3 It is the users responsibility to keep up to date with updates to these terms and conditions

2 Usage rules
2.1 The content and information on the Website is provided for your personal use only.
2.2 Unless expressly stated otherwise on the website, you may download the content and information on the website onto your personal computer, but only to the extent necessary to allow you to view that content and information. You may also print hard copies of that content and information, but only for your own personal use and reference. You must not reproduce or permanently store any content or information in any medium or form whatsoever.
2.3 You must use the website in a responsible manner, and in compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, standards or codes. 
2.4 If you are under 18 years of age, you must obtain a parent or guardian’s consent before accessing or using the website. 
2.5 You must not:
(a) store in any electronic or other medium, publish, distribute, communicate to the public, change, modify, adapt, manipulate, reverse engineer, decompile, distort or enhance any of the content or information on the website;
(b) incorporate or merge any of the content on the website with any other material, including advertising or promotional material;
(c) create HTTP links from the website to any other website on the Internet; or
(d) send, post, communicate or transmit to or via the website (including any chat rooms) any information or material which infringes a third party's rights (including intellectual property rights), or which is obscene, indecent, inflammatory, pornographic, defamatory, illegal, misleading or deceptive; 
(e) use the website or any facilities available on or via the website (including any chat rooms) to defame, harass, threaten, menace or offend any person, or in a way which inhibits another person from using or enjoying the website or those facilities;
(f) tamper with, hinder the operation of, or make unauthorised modifications to the website or any content on the website; 
(g) knowingly transmit any virus, worm, trojan horse or other disabling feature to or via the website;
(h) use the website to send commercial, unsolicited or bulk electronic messages to anyone.
(i) use another person’s name, username or password on the website or to access any content on the website; or
(j) attempt to do, or permit another person to do, any of the above acts.

3 Operation of the website
3.1 We will use reasonable efforts to make sure that you can access and use the website at all times. However, despite our efforts, the website may not be accessible at all times and you may experience interruptions, delays, errors or faults in your use of and access to the website. We will not be responsible to you or anyone else if these things occur.
3.2 When you are using the website, we may require you to re-authenticate yourself from time to time - for example, if there has been a period of inactivity on the connection between your internet browser and our servers. We will not be responsible for any information you may lose if your access to the website is suspended or terminated in these circumstances.
3.3 To enable you to access certain content on the website, we may provide you with a username, password or some other type of identifier. You agree that you are responsible for keeping such identifiers secret and that you will be responsible for the conduct of any person who uses your identifiers, whether or not you have authorised that use.

4 Linked Sites
4.1 The website may contain links to other websites which are not maintained or controlled by us. These links are provided by us solely for your convenience. We do not accept any responsibility for broken or redirected links. 

4.2 We have not checked the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the content of, or the goods and services available from, any linked sites. Also, we do not review or monitor any linked sites. You must therefore make your own enquiries about the content, goods or services available from any linked site before relying on that content, or buying or using any of those goods or services. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you suffer as a result of relying on, buying or using any content, goods or services from a linked site.
4.3 The presence of links on the website should not be taken to imply that we endorse, sponsor or approve of any linked site, or any content, products or services available from that linked site, or that we are affiliated or associated with the owner or operator of any linked site.

5 Changes to the website
5.1 We (or our suppliers) may change the content, information, products and services provided on the website, and the prices for those things, at any time. 
5.2 If you purchase any products or services from the website, you will be charged the price that applies and is displayed at the time you request those products or services.

6 Our liability to you
6.1 To ensure that we can continue to provide you with quality content and services via the website, we and our related companies need to try to minimise the costs associated with operating the website. 
6.2 As a result, neither we nor any related companies can accept liability for any loss or damage you suffer as a result of using or accessing the website or any content, information, products or services available on or from this website, except to the extent that we are required to by law. 
6.3 In particular, except to the extent required by law, we and our related companies do not accept, and specifically exclude, liability for any business or personal losses, or losses of data or profits, or any other direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage, which you may suffer in connection with our supply, non-supply or defective supply of the website, or any content, information, products or services available on or from the website. 

7 Your liability to us
7.1 To minimise the costs associated with operating the website, we also require that you take responsibility for any harm we or our related companies suffer as a result of your use of the website.
7.2 You therefore agree to indemnify us and our related companies from and against any loss, damage, costs or expenses suffered by any of us arising out of or in any way connected to the use of the website by you or someone using your name and password.

8 Termination and suspension
8.1 If we reasonably believe that you have breached any of these Terms of Use, we may immediately suspend, terminate or limit your access to the website.

9 Trade marks, copyright and other intellectual property
9.1 All intellectual property relating to the website, including any trade marks used on the website, the design or the website and any content on the website, is owned by us, our related companies or our licensors.
9.2 For this reason, you must not do anything with the website or anything on the website (including trade marks and content) that is not expressly authorised by these Terms of Use.
9.3 Importantly, you must not use or apply any of our trade marks without our consent. Our trade marks include our name, our logos, our intellectual property, our slogans and the names of our competitions.

10 General matters
10.1 If we need to notify you of any matter relating to these Terms of Use and you have given us your contact details, we ask, and you agree, that we may use post, fax or email to the relevant contact details notified to us. If we do use email, you will be taken to have received the email if it leaves our servers, unless we receive evidence to the contrary.
10.2 These Terms of Use are governed by EU law.
10.3 If any of these Terms of Use are invalid, unenforceable or illegal in a particular jurisdiction, that term will be struck out for that jurisdiction only and the remaining terms will remain in full force. 
10.4 If we do not act in relation to a particular breach by you of these Terms of Use, this will not be treated as a waiver by us of our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

Company's registration name: 4Kyon

Company's registered office address: De Horst 36, 8061 BP, HASSELT (ov)

Country of Origin: The Netherlands

Company Registered Number: 50460447